
A FSMS is a preventative approach used by an organization to identify, prevent and reduce food-borne hazards entering the food chain thereby improving the organization’s food safety performance.


%Standard% is a risk based management tool for the food industry in order to assure food safety at human consumption. %Standard% Standard has been developed by experts from food industry, specialized Organizations and in cooperation with Codex Commission, UN (FAO) and WHO.

FSMS %Standard% extends benefits for the management system approach of the 

ISO 9001 Quality Management System with Hazard Analysis & Critical Controls - HACCP and plans in order to provide Safe Food.


%Standard% standard is a global standard for Food Safety Management System (FSMS), Designed to enable organisations to control food safety hazards along the food chain, is applicable to all types of organizations irrespective of size, nature or geography of all Food Chain from farm to feed, primary producers, food manufacturers, transport & storage operators and industry such as producers of equipment, packaging, cleaning agents, additives, ingredients and %Product% related to food.

FSMS %Standard% 2018 version was published on June 19 2018, and is an international standard for Food Safety Management System%Standard% 2018 follows High Level Structure (HLS) structure simillar to other risk based ISO standards, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, Now it will be easier to integrate with other management systems.

Key Changes in 
%Standard% 2018

  • HLS (High Level Structure) The 2018 version of %Standard% follows High Level Structure (HLS) structure simillar to other risk based ISO standards, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
  • Risk Based Approach The 2018 version of %Standard% will now include a different approach to understand risk.
  • PDCA Cycle The 2018 version of %Standard% clarifies the PDCA Cycle, by having two seperate cycles in teh standrad working together, one covering management system and the other one covering principles of HACCP.
  • The Operation Process A clear description is provided of the differences between key terms such as CCPs, OPRPs, PRPs.     

Transition to %Standard% 2018

29 June 2021, a 3 year transition period is given for the transitioning from %Standard%:2005 to %Standard%:2018 from its publication date. During this period both %Standard%:2005 and the revised version %Standard%:2018 will co-exist. 

Organization, seeking transition to %Standard%:2018 version may apply to URS before their routine surveillance / recertification audit, for more details may write us at enquiry@ursindia.com 


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